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Wellness Training Programs

Develop your professional skills and earn continuing education credits

As health and human service professionals and wellness leaders rise to the challenge of creating healthier organizations and communities on Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket, in Plymouth and beyond, we provide the latest trainings, resources, and certifications in employee wellness.

Through our robust community partnerships and expert trainers, we have an impeccable reputation for helping businesses and health and human service professionals improve employee well-being and create healthier organizational cultures.

The Cape and Islands Suicide Prevention Coalition has partnered with Cape Cod Community College to offer QPR, safeTALK, Mental Health First Aid, Sudden Death Postvention, and ASIST training programs that provide our communities with the necessary information and tools to raise awareness, educate, and increase action to reduce suicides.

Wellness Training Program Schedule

People trained in Question, Persuade, and Refer (QPR) learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help.

Audience: Lay and professional gatekeepers.

Program Objectives:

  • Increase ability to identify an individual who may be at risk for suicide.
  • Increase ability to intervene effectively with those at risk for suicide.
  • Increase ability to refer someone at risk for suicide to an appropriate resource.

Program Format: 1.50 hours (in person or virtual using Zoom).

A training in suicide alertness skills to help people ask about suicide directly, connect others to life-saving resources and keep them safe until those resources take over. 

Audience: Lay and professional gatekeepers. 

Program Objectives (you will be able to):

  • Move beyond common tendencies to miss, dismiss, or avoid suicide.
  • Identify people who have thoughts of suicide.
  • Apply the TALK steps to connect a person with suicide thoughts to suicide first aid, intervention caregivers.

Program Format: 4.00 hours (in person).

A skills-based training course that helps people identify, understand, and respond to mental health and substance use issues. This course is offered in different modules for various audiences including those who work with Youth, Older Adults, Veterans, Police, Corrections, Public Safety, Higher Education, First Responders/EMT/Fire, and other groups.

Audience: Lay and professional gatekeepers. 

Program Objectives:

  • Learn how to apply the Mental Health First Aid action plan in a variety of situations, including when someone is experiencing panic attacks, suicidal thoughts or behaviors, nonsuicidal self-injury, acute psychosis (e.g. hallucinations or delusions), overdose or withdrawal from alcohol or drug use, reaction to a traumatic event.
  • The opportunity to practice- through role plays, scenarios, and activities -makes it easier to apply these skills in a real-life situation.  

Program Format: 8 hours (in person or virtual using Zoom). 

Postvention is the organized response after a suicide or other unexpected death has occurred that aims to facilitate healing from grief and distress, mitigate the negative effects of exposure to suicide, and prevent suicide among those who are at high risk. 

Audience: Lay and mental health, social service, law enforcement, faith leaders, school personnel, and other community service professionals. 

Program Objectives:

  • Increase knowledge of warning signs, risk, and protective factors after a suicide. 
  • Increase understanding of the impact of suicide, grief and the increased risk that can result after a suicide. 
  • Increase knowledge of ways to enhance coping and healing for oneself and others after a loss. 
  • Increase understanding of the roles and responsibilities of key service providers for communication and access to resources after a suicide. 

Program Format: 4.00 hours (in person). 

ASIST is a 2-day program where participants learn how to prevent suicide by recognizing signs, providing a skilled intervention, and developing a safety plan to keep someone alive.

Audience: Caregivers (e.g., those seeking to reduce immediate risk of suicide), clergy, counselors, volunteers, law enforcement , and mental health professionals. 

Program Objectives:

  • Raise awareness of societal attitudes about suicide.
  • Enhance communication, identification, and intervention skills.
  • Increase knowledge of resources for both caregivers and safety professionals. 

Program Format: 16.00 hours approx. over 2 days (in person). 

Professional Development Programs for Medical, Behavioral Health and Community Care

In addition to our wellness training course options listed above, we offer training on topics such as, but not limited to: Developing Today’s Health and Human Service Leaders, Enhancing Personal and Professional Wellbeing, Motivational Interviewing, Trauma Informed Care, and DEISJ. All programs offer or are eligible for continuing education credits and/or industry recognized credentials.

Professional Workplace Training Resources

The Center for Corporate and Professional Education (CCAPE) at Cape Cod Community College is your professional development and training team. Our services and resources make customized workforce development affordable and accessible for employers of all sizes and industries. For more information visit:

For More Information

Tammi Jacobsen, Director of Workforce Development and Training

Phone: 508.375.5011
