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Weapons Advisory

The Cape Cod Community College Public Safety Department would like members of the campus community to be informed about the state laws that apply on campus that may differ from what was acceptable off campus. Laws concerning firearms and other dangerous weapons is one such area which should be noted. The presence of firearms in a college setting can be disruptive and frightening to the members of the community. While most people immediately recognize the hazards, some may be unaware or naïve about the laws of the Commonwealth regarding firearms and other weapons.

It is a violation of Massachusetts General Law to possess a firearm on school grounds which includes college campuses. It does not matter if you are properly licensed to carry a firearm in the State of Massachusetts; it is still a crime to bring it to the Cape Cod Community College campus. Unlicensed possession on a college campus is an additional and more serious crime. The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court has recently ruled that even a “BB gun” is a firearm for purpose of this statute. The more obvious firearms include pistols, rifles, and shotguns. If it is determined that you have a firearm or other dangerous weapon on the Cape Cod Community College campus, you are subject to criminal prosecution in State Court and/or suspension and possible expulsion from Cape Cod Community College.

In Massachusetts, self-defense spray may be possessed by people 18 years of age or older. 

MGL Chapter 269 §10

“Whoever, not being a law enforcement officer…carries on his person a firearm…loaded or unloaded or other dangerous weapon in any building or on any grounds of any elementary or secondary school, college or university… shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars or by imprisonment for not more than one year, or both.”

It also prohibits possession of “dangerous weapons” and lists many types of weapons that are considered inherently dangerous, including but not limited to: several types of knives, metallic knuckles, nunchaku (two sticks attached to each other by a rope, chain…), shuriken or similar pointed star like throwing object, any armband, made with leather which has metallic spikes, points or pointed studs, or other dangerous weapon.

If you unwittingly brought any dangerous weapon to Cape Cod Community College, it is in your best interest to remove it from the premises immediately. If you are found to have a dangerous weapon in your possession, the consequences may affect your future ability to obtain or maintain a firearms license, in addition to the penalties listed above.

If you have knowledge of someone in possession of a firearm or dangerous weapon or if you have other concerns about this issue, please contact the College Police immediately: 774.330.4349

See also: MGL Chapter 269 §10